Thursday, January 22, 2009

Welcome to Siberia...I mean Prague!

Prague (Praha in Czech) is slightly southwest of Oberursel, but of a different climate entirely.

Old Town Hall ain't afraid of no ghosts!

"Where are you from?"
"Who ME? No, where are YOU from?" (Andreo)

Chris feeling foggy on the infamous Charles Bridge.

Buildings loom at large in the Little Quarter.

A view from Prague Castle.

The changing of the guards at Prague Castle.

Gargoyles on St Vitus's Cathederal.

Stained glass windows in St Vitus's Cathedral.

Flying buttresses support the back of the cathederal.

Town Hall Clock, created by Jan Tarborsky in 1552.

Staromestska subway stop.

A few shots from the largest gathering of fur garments I have ever seen.

Fur reads the paper.

Fur shares a secret.

Fur strikes a pose.

Fur runs to catch up!

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