Wednesday, October 17, 2012

Girls in France 2012

I have been incredibly lucky in the past year with my sister and Dave living just down the street and my mom and Denny living 1 ½ hours away – all of us together, in Germany. Now that my mom’s contract is over, she and Denny have headed back to Michigan – but not before we took one last girls trip to France!

I started the trip with Mom and Chelsea met us part way. We stayed in my friend David Morgan’s  beautiful old house tucked into the romantic walking-only village of Bize Minervois, about 1 hour south of Montpellier. We loved their kitchen with the spiral stairs, stone sink, and fireplace-for-an-oven. 

Here is the front of their house, I love the door and open windows.

...the living room with the tall ceilings and beautiful windows.
 Narbonne-Plage – perfect October beach day!

 Mom and I went for a long hike in the Parc Naturel Regional du Haut, about 20 minutes from Bize. Here is St. Pons de Thomieres in the background.

The plant life changed about every 20 minutes! 

 Our second lunch of cheese and bread. I think we had 5 lunches that day. 

 We had a delicious dinner along the canal by the beach near Montpellier before picking Chelsea up at the Montpellier airport. 

 Chelsea and Mom in Cassis

 The beach of Cassis


 Port-Miou in the Calanques near Cassis - I'll be sailing my boat here one day!
the incredible Calanques, near Cassis
 My incredible sister in the incredible Calanques!
 ...climbing on rocks
 Park your sailboat here and live in bliss indefinitely! 
 Calanques, near Cassis
 ...and of course we had to go for a swim! 
 Calanques, near Cassis

We drove through the Gorge du Verdon which is unbelieveable. I had no idea this part of France looked like this! Chelsea is holding on to Mom so she does not fall off the ledge because 1) it is just that beautiful and 2) she also kind of doesn't like heights. 
 But she liked heights enough to climb down into the gorge to see the Verdon river.
 ...which, of course, we also went swimming in. 
 Good times I will keep forever close to my heart. 

1 comment:

jeanne said...

I'd follow you to the end of the world anytime!